Church Center is our online stop for access to the church calendar of events, our directory, and online giving. Once you are logged in, you can review and update your profile. We encourage all members to sign up and stay up-to-date by checking back regularly.

Please know all our member information is secure and can only be viewed by members of our congregation.

User Login

Already have an account? Click User Login to log in with your Email address/Username and Password.

Church Center Account Sign Up

To set up an account for Church Center you can access it either from a web browser or by downloading an app.

Click “Login”. You will be asked to enter a phone number or you can change it to an email address. Church Center will send you a code to use to login or create an account. Enter the code and continue with the login process. You will then see the home page for our Church Center site.

If you have difficulty signing up, please contact the church office 828-322-6058, and we will verify the name and email address on your profile.